10820 Using GreenSeeker® to Drive Variable Rate Application of Plant Growth Regulators and Defoliants On Cotton

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 10:30 AM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
George Vellidis , University of Georgia
Heather Savelle , University of Georgia
Sergio Villagran , University of Georgia
Glen Ritchie , University of Georgia
The paper reports on a project designed to evaluate the feasibility of using the GreenSeeker® RT200 mapping system to drive variable rate application (VRA) of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and defoliants on cotton in Georgia, USA.  To date, the results indicate that NDVI appears to be very good tool for differentiating management zones early and late in the growing season.  At mid-season, when the entire field is covered by a solid green canopy, NDVI values become saturated and are not useful for creating PGR management zones.  To address this problem, we combined NDVI measurements with plant height measuremments.  This paper will present the results or our work.
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