10775 Seed-Coat Fragment Measurements From Bale to Fabric

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 10:45 AM
Balcony J (New Orleans Marriott)
Patricia D. Bel , Southern Regional Research Center, ARS, USDA
Bugao Xu , The University of Texas at Austin

Beltwide 2010 – New Orleans, LA

Seed-Coat Fragment Measurements From Bale to Fabric


Patricia Bel and Bugao Xu

Information for Technical Conference Chairs

Seed coat fragments were hand picked from 10 US and 10 International cottons.  The same cottons were processed through the Shirley and that data is reported along with extra runs of the “trash” until it looks similar to the hand sorted levels of trash.  AFIS is also run on these samples.  The US fabric samples are hand counted for seed coat fragments and tested with the new Autorate for dark specks.