10754 Phy 805 RF Pima. A New Glyphosate Tolerant Pima Variety From Phytogen Seed

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 4:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Joel F. Mahill , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
David Anderson , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
Tim Anderson , Phytogen Seed Company, LLC
Mary Wadsworth , JG Boswell Company
PhytoGen Seed Company, LLC has developed a new Roundup Ready® Flex Pima Variety, PHY 805 RF Pima.  PHY 805 RF Pima is a product of the Company’s San Joaquin Valley cotton breeding program and has shown excellent yield potential and high fiber quality over multiple location/years of testing.  PHY 805 RF Pima is broadly adapted, high yielding and possesses excellent fiber quality.  PHY 805 RF Pima is a mid-full maturity, Fusarium race 4 tolerant Pima variety most similar to PHY 800 Pima.  PHY 805 RF Pima reflects PhytoGen’s ongoing commitment to provide growers with advanced technologies carried in high yielding varieties delivering outstanding spinning performance.  The Company will offer PHY 805 RF Pima for sale in California for the 2010 planting season pending establishment of a suitable seed stewardship plan by Monsanto in cooperation with Dow AgroSciences, the NCC, the California Cotton Growers and Ginners Association and various segments of the California cotton industry.
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