10737 Overview of the USDA, AMS, Cotton and Tobacco Programs' Daily Spot Cotton Quotations Program and Their Role in Establishing Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Loan Premiums and Discounts

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 4:15 PM
Preservation Hall Studios 1, 2, & 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Barbara Meredith , USDA, AMS, Cotton and Tobacco Programs
The USDA, AMS, Cotton and Tobacco Programs, Cotton Market News Branch is conducting an education and outreach effort to inform ginners about how the Daily Spot Cotton Quotations are used in establishing Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Loan premiums and discounts and to identify new sources of price data.  This report will provide an overview of the Daily Spot Cotton Quotations; explain how they are used in establishing the CCC loan premiums and discounts; and how ginners can participate in the process.