10636 Multibar Sawless Lint Cleaner Lag Set Selection Using Desirability Functions and Cluster Analysis

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 2:30 PM
Preservation Hall Studios 1, 2, & 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
G.A. Holt , USDA-ARS
J.D. Wanjura , USDA-ARS
Gary Gamble , Agricultural Research Service, USDA
Devron Thibodeaux , Agricultural Research Service, USDA
Roy V. Baker , Retired USDA-ARS
Carlos Armijo , Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
Edward M. Barnes , Cotton Incorporated
The Multibar Sawless Lint Cleaner (MBSLC) was conceived as a possible replacement for saw-type lint cleaners used in the first stage of lint cleaning in a cotton gin.  Initial studies revealed potential benefits related to fiber quality.  This presentation will report on two studies: the first compared nine MBSLC treatments (i.e. different lag set designs) in conjunction with a conventional saw-type lint cleaner, using three cotton varieties with different levels of cleaning; the second evaluated the top three lag sets to determine the optimal lag set design(s) needed to optimize performance of the MBSLC using two different standards, Ginners and Spinners. Response variables included High Volume Instrumentation (HVI) and Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) fiber quality data, lint waste, and spinning data.  The two of the top three lag sets were the same for the Ginner and Spinner criteria.  The third lag sets were different.