10560 Performance of GlyTolTM + LibertyLink® Cotton Technologies with Common Cotton Tankmix Partners

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 10:30 AM
Galerie 2 (New Orleans Marriott)
Robert Humphries , Bayer CropScience
Gary Henniger , Bayer CropScience
Mark Rinehardt , Bayer CropScience
Scott Baker , Bayer CropScience
Linda Trolinder , Bayer CropScience
Jonathan Holloway , Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience has developed in-house glyphosate tolerant, Glytol™ cotton, expressing the 2mepsps gene and stacks of GlyTol with LibertyLink® cotton.  Glytol + LibertyLink cotton is planned for commercial release in 2010, pending regulatory approval,  and will provide US cotton growers with new cotton varieties with season-long tolerance to a number of commercial glyphosate herbicide formulations as well as  tolerance to Ignite® herbicide at levels producers are accustomed to in current commercial LibertyLink varieties. 

 Field testing of Glytol + LibertyLink cotton was conducted to evaluate any possible effects from common cotton tankmix partners which included insecticides, herbicides, and plant growth regulators.  Glyphosate + glufosinate ammonium was applied at full labelled rates at three application timings during the growing season; 2-4 lf cotton, 6-8 lf cotton, and at lay-by (blooming cotton).  The various tankmix products were applied at their labelled rate at their appropriate timing(s) with the glyphosate + glufosinate ammonium treatment.  These trials have recorded no adverse effects on Glytol + LibertyLink cotton plant establishment, plant height, maturity, vigour, yield or quality.  A summary of these results are presented here.     

 Once approved and available in elite germplasm, Glytol + LibertyLink technology will provide US cotton growers with the option of over the top applications from more than one non-selective herbicide mode of action, which can be an important tool in managing weed resistance.