10489 Chemical Stalk Destruction of Shredded and Standing Cotton Stalks in Various Regions of Texas

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 11:15 AM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Gaylon Morgan , Texas AgriLife Extension Service
D.A. Mott , Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Marty Jungman
Jason Ott , Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Jerry W. Warren , Texas AgriLife Extension Service
D. D. Fromme , Texas AgriLife Extension
W. James Grichar , Texas AgriLife Research
In the southern portions of Texas cotton stalks can survive through the winter and  can serve as a host for the boll weevil.  Cotton producers are required to destroy cotton stalks are seeking new management options for controlling these stalks.  Trials were established in three production areas of Texas, The Upper Gulf Coast, Winter Garden, and Central Texas Blacklands. The trials were established to demonstrate the efficacy of various herbicides to kill cotton stalks and prevent hostable fruit development following harvest. 

Herbicides were applied to standing stalks, immediately following shredding, two weeks after shredding. 

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