10437 Use of Pyraclostrobin and Azoxystrobin Fungicides for the Elongation of Maturity On Mid-Season Upland Varieties

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 3:15 PM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
John D. Rocconi , Texas A&M University
J. Tom Cothren , Texas A&M University
The use of strobin derived fungicides for plant health care in cotton production is a highly debated topic throughout the Beltwide.  This study was created in order to gauge the affects of fungicide application on certain cotton varieties in order to maintain a longer flowering period in mid-season varieties.  With the loss of Delta and Pine Land Bollguard I Roundup Ready cotton variety 555, the need for a true full season cotton variety is more apparent than ever.  The results of this study should aid in the location of a potential replacement.