10384 Using a Kinetic Approach to Characterize Biodegradation Rates of Three Cellulosic Fabrics in Soil

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:25 AM
Balcony I (New Orleans Marriott)
Duane C. Wolf , University of Arkansas
Kaaron J. Davis , University of Arkansas
Mary M. Warnock , University of Arkansas
Edward E. Gbur , University of Arkansas
The biodegradation rates of cellulosic fabrics in soil has forensic and environmental implications. The field study objective was to determine the biodegradation rates of 100% rayon, cotton, and Tencel® woven fabrics buried in a Captina silt loam soil. Following 0, 14, 28, 42, 77, and 112 days of burial, the fabrics were excavated to determine the amount of fabric remaining and biodegradation rates were calculated using first-order kinetics. Warm moist soil conditions resulted in half-life values for rayon, cotton, and Tencel® of 7, 18, and 85 days of burial, respectively. The data indicated that optimal conditions resulted in rapid degradation.