10228 Relationships Between Fiber Length Distribution and Fiber Maturity

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 9:00 AM
Balcony J (New Orleans Marriott)
Eric F. Hequet , Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute - Dept. Plant & Soil Science, Texas Tech University
Noureddine Abidi , Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute - Dept. Plant & Soil Science, Texas Tech University
Cotton breeding programs have developed new germplasm with a staple length suitable for ring spinning for use in Texas. Of course the improvement in staple length, with all other fiber properties held constant, represents significant progress. But the basic requirement is to produce germplasm that is balanced in terms of fiber properties and that fits a market need. We will examine the impact of fiber maturity on fiber length distribution with a focus on short fibers.