10221 ST 5288B2F, A New Mid Maturing Variety from Bayer CropScience

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 2:50 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Andy White , Bayer Crop Science
S. Nichols , Bayer Crop Science
ST 5288B2F is a new mid-maturing Bollgard II/Roundup Flex variety from Bayer CropScience.  This variety offers excellent yield potential,excellent early season vigor and is widely adaptable across the cotton belt. This variety exhibits rapid growth and should be monitored closely for plant growth regulation.  Tested as BCSX 0727B2RF in 2008, a decision was made to offer the variety commercially as ST 5288B2F in 2009.  Limited quantities were released in 2009 and show strong promise for expansion in 2010.