Cotton Weed Science Research - Thursday Morning Session

Thursday, January 8, 2009: 10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Salon M (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Christopher Main
10:00 AM
LibertyLink and Roundup Ready Flex Cotton Systems for Mississippi
Jason A. Bond, Mississippi State University; Darrin M. Dodds, Mississippi State University; Daniel B. Reynolds, Mississippi State University
10:15 AM
Effect of Various Glufosinate Application Rates and Timings on Weed Control in Cotton
Daniel O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Derek M. Scroggs, LSU AgCenter
10:30 AM
Glufosinate and Insecticide Co-Application Effects on Liberty Link Cotton
D.K. Miller, LSU AgCenter; Daniel Oliver Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Derek M. Scroggs, LSU AgCenter, Dean Lee Research Station; B. R. Leonard, LSU AgCenter, Macon Ridge Station; E. Burris, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station; M.S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station
10:45 AM
Glufosinate and Insecticide/PGR Co-Application Effects on Growth and Yield of Liberty Link Cotton
D.K. Miller, LSU AgCenter; Daniel O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Derek M. Scroggs, LSU AgCenter, Dean Lee Research Station; B. R. Leonard, LSU AgCenter; E. Burris, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station; M. S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station
11:00 AM
Evaluation of Pyrithiobac and S-metolachlor Tank Mixture on Cotton Growth and Yield
Robert E. Ferguson, LSU AgCenter; D. O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; D.K. Miller, LSU AgCenter; a. M. Stewart, LSU AgCenter
11:15 AM
Use of Saflufenacil as a Preplant Burndown for Cotton
John S. Harden, BASF; John B. Guice, BASF; Larry J. Newsom, BASF; Glenn W. Oliver, BASF; Cletus D. Youmans, BASF
11:30 AM
Use of Ceral Cover Crops to Aid Weed Management in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton
J. Still, University of Arkansas; J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas; S. K. Bangarwa, University of Arkansas
11:45 AM
Gin Trash: Potential for Weed Seed Dispersal
J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; Kenneth L. Smith, University of Arkansas; L.E. Steckel, The University of Tennessee; C.H. Koger, Mississippi State University