Thursday, January 8, 2009: 10:30 AM
Salon D (Marriott Riverwalk Hotel)
Cotton Ginning Simulation Model – Minimizing Cost per Bale
C.L. Multer; R.O. McGee; C.B. Parnell Jr.
In recent years, cotton production in Texas has increased drastically from a three decade historic average of around 3 million bales per year to more than 8 million bales per year by 2007. The number of cotton gins in Texas has decreased from 1400 in 1960 to less than 260 in 2007. The increasing production of seed cotton along with the decreasing number of cotton gins in Texas has produced an increasing need for efficient cotton handling and ginning systems. The goal of this research effort is to develop a simulation model to assist cotton gin managers with engineering and management decisions. Cotton gin cost survey data and multi-year historical economic data were gathered to assist in formulation of the decision support software. It is assumed that more cotton will be processed by existing gins, with associated longer gin seasons, longer transport distances, and larger module storage areas. This paper details progress of a systems management project addressing the relationship between the ginning process in terms of “percent utilization” and the variable and fixed costs associated with handling and ginning seed cotton. A computer simulation program has been formulated that will allow cotton ginners to project costs and season length using only a few limited inputs. Some of the aspects included are: energy cost, packaging costs, transportation costs, and cost of downtime. Finally, this paper takes a preliminary look into the economic influence that being a self sufficient plant, in terms of utilizing gin trash for heating and electricity, will have on the ability to attain minimum cost ginning.
See more of: Joint Session: Cotton Engineering-Systems and Ginning
See more of: Cotton Ginning Conference
See more of: Cotton Ginning Conference
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