9458 Crop Sensors for Variable Rate Mid-Season Nitrogen Applications on Cotton

Thursday, January 8, 2009: 11:10 AM
Salon G (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Gene Stevens1, Peter Scharf2, David J. Dunn3, Earl Vories4 and Luciane F. Oliveira2, (1)University of Missouri-Delta Center, Portageville, MO, (2)University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, (3)University of Missouri - Delta Center, Portageville, MO, (4)USDA-ARS, Portageville, MO
This is the third year of a multi site evaluation.  We investigated the utility of crop sensors for controlling midseason nitrogen applications for cotton.  Several commercially available sensors were evaluated.  Different timings for sensing and applications were compared.  Early sensor readings (pinhead square) were found to be less useful that later (first flower) readings.  In 2008 we began on farm evaluations using commercial application equipment.
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