Wednesday, January 7, 2009: 3:00 PM
Salon J (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Spray coverage within the plant canopy is important aspect of insecticide efficacy. This study evaluated the relationship between cotton plant height and insecticide efficacy. The test was performed in producers’ fields throughout the state of Louisiana . Mepiquat chloride was applied using a backpack sprayer calibrated to apply 12 oz of water per acre to control cotton plant height. Plots were eight rows wide by 50 feet long with four replications of two mepiquat chloride treatments. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block. Treatments were compared by sampleing plots before and after insecticide treatment or assessing boll damage prior to harvest. The insecticide applications were applied by the producer when threshold levels were reached. Insecticides applied were determined by the producer and their consultants.