Recorded Presentations
Friday, January 11, 2008: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM |
Bayou B (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center) |
Cotton Agronomy & Physiology - Friday Morning - Session B |
| Organizer: | Tom Barber, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR |
8:00 AM | | | Fruit Load and Fertilization Impacts on Late Season Foliar Decline  Robert Hutmacher1, Mark P. Keeley1, Steve Wright2 and Gerardo Banuelos3, (1)Univ. of California, Shafter, CA, (2)University of California, Tulare, CA, (3)University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare, CA |
8:15 AM | | | Effect of an Upper Temperature Threshold on Heat Unit Calculations and Defoliation Timing  Dan D. Fromme1, J. Tom Cothren2, Josh B. Bynum2, Giovanni Piccinni1 and Michael A. Jones3, (1)Texas A&M University, Uvalde, TX, (2)Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, (3)Clemson University, Florence, SC |
8:30 AM | | | The Impact of Seed Treatment on Early Crop Development and Yield Bobbie McMichael1, John J. Burke1 and Tom Wedegaertner2, (1)USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX, (2)Cotton Incorporated, Cary, NC |
8:45 AM | | | Effect of Planting Pattern on Cotton Growth and Yield Daniel O. Stephenson and Shawn W. Lancaster, University of Arkansas, Keiser, AR |
9:00 AM | | | Break
9:30 AM | | | Impact of Row Configuration on High Fruit Retention (Transgenic) Cultivars in High-Yielding, High-Input Cotton Systems in Australia  Rose Roche and Michael Bange, CSIRO Plant Industry, Narrabri, Australia |
9:45 AM | | | Comparison of On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Results When Using Yield Monitors vs. Weigh Wagons  A. M. Stewart1, S.F. Deville2 and Brandi W. Woolam1, (1)LSU AgCenter, Alexandria, LA, (2)Monsanto, Opelousas, LA |
10:00 AM | | | Preparing for Harvest Without Chemicals  Paul A. Funk, USDA-ARS-Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory, Mesilla Park, NM |
10:15 AM | | | Defoliation Strategies During a Compressed Season in California Steve D. Wright1, Robert Hutmacher2, Gerardo Banuelos1, Mark P. Keeley2, Mathew Mills1 and Tony Garcia1, (1)University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare, CA, (2)Univ. of California, Shafter CA, Shafter, CA |
10:30 AM | | | Assessing the Impact of Harvest Aid Timing on Fibre Quality and Textile Performance  Robert L. Long1, Michael P. Bange2 and Stuart G. Gordon1, (1)CSIRO Textile and Fibre Technology, Belmont, Australia, (2)CSIRO and Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, Narrabri, Australia |
10:45 AM | | | Evaluation of Plant Growth Enhancement Products on Low Desert Cotton Michael D. Rethwisch, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, David City, NE |
11:00 AM | | | Graduate Student Paper Award Presentation
Sponsor: | Cotton Agronomy & Physiology Conference |
See more of Cotton Agronomy & Physiology Conference
See more of The Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Jan. 8-11 2008
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