Recorded Presentations
Thursday, January 10, 2008: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
Bayou A (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center) |
Cotton Agronomy & Physiology - Thursday Afternoon - Session A |
| Organizer: | Tom Barber, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR |
1:30 PM | | | Late Season Cotton Canopy Manipulation Via AIM® eManaged Maturity – What Is It and What Are Its Benefits to Cotton Production J.S. Wilson, FMC Corporation, Raleigh, NC, Joseph Reed, FMC Corporation, North Little Rock, AR, Henry R. Mitchell, FMC Corporation, Louisville, MS, Terry Mize, FMC Corporation, Kansas City, MO and T.I. Crumby, FMC Corporation, Bolton, MS |
1:45 PM | | | Results from AIM® eManaged Maturity University / Extension and Consultant Trials in 2007 Joseph Reed, FMC Corporation, North Little Rock, AR, Henry R. Mitchell, FMC Corporation, Louisville, MS, J.S. Wilson, FMC Corporation, Raleigh, NC and Terry Mize, FMC Corporation, Kansas City, MO |
2:00 PM | | | Response of Cotton at Different Stress Levels to Trimax Pro  Lowell Zelinski, Precision Ag. Inc., Paso Robles, CA and Wolfgang Thielert, Bayer CropScience, Monheim, Germany |
2:15 PM | | | Stoller's Sugar Mover, a 4-year Study on Cotton: Increased Sugar Synthesis from Photosynthesis and Increased Sugar Transfer from the Leaves to the Stem and Fruit Albert Liptay, Jerry H. Stoller and Ron A. Salzman, Stoller Enterprises Inc, Houston, TX |
2:30 PM | | | Efficacy of BoltTM on Cotton Stand Establishment & Yield M. S. Reddy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, Roger Bowman, EMD Crop BioScience, Munford, TN and Rob Osburn, EMD Crop BioScience, Milwaukee, WI |
2:45 PM | | | Break
3:30 PM | | | Performance of PhytoGen® Cotton Varieties in On Farm Innovation Trials from the North and South Delta in 2007  A.R. Parker, Le L. Reginelli and R. A. Haygood, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN |
3:45 PM | | | Cotton Plant Height Based on Vigor Zone Imagery in the Northwest Plains of Texas  M. R. Vandiver, Texas Cooperative Extension, Farwell, TX and Terry A. Wheeler, Texas A&M University, Lubbock, TX |
4:00 PM | | | Pushing the Boundaries of Cotton Water Use Efficiency Through Better Irrigation Scheduling David Sloane, Agrilink Holdings Pty Ltd, Thebarton, Australia |
4:15 PM | | | Water Savings and Improved Yield Stability for Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Cotton  Russell C. Nuti1, Ronald B. Sorensen1, Clinton C. Truman2 and Marshall C. Lamb1, (1)USDA-ARS, National Peanut Research Laboratory, Dawson, GA, (2)USDA-ARS, Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory, Tifton, GA |
4:30 PM | | | No-Till Cotton Production in California J.P. Mitchell, University of California, Davis, Parlier, CA, D.S. Munk, University of CA Cooperative Extension - Fresno County, Fresno, CA and K. Klonsky, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
Sponsor: | Cotton Agronomy & Physiology Conference |
See more of Cotton Agronomy & Physiology Conference
See more of The Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Jan. 8-11 2008
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