Fred Bourland, University of Arkansas, P.O. Box 96, Keiser, AR 72351
Choosing the best cotton variety for a given situation can be highly beneficial to a cotton producer, but identifying that variety can be a difficult task. Since there is no one perfect variety, a producer must establish specific priorities for each situation and identify the variety that best meets those priorities. A variety that produces stable, high yields and premium fiber quality are most desired. Several tools can be used to assist with identifying such varieties are available. Accuracy of identifying stable, high yielding varieties increases as the number of test sites (locations and years) of variety test data increases. Adequate amount of data to determine stability is usually not available for newly released varieties. Use of yield components, particularly fiber density, may assist with developing and identifying stable, high yielding varieties. Stability may also be increased by improvement of host plant resistance traits. Q-score combines weighted data for four cotton quality parameters into one easy to use index. Q-score may help to identify varieties that combine high yields and high fiber quality. COTVAR is an online computer program, which assists with comparing data for varieties from different state variety tests. Combinations of these tools should assist producers to identify the varieties, which best meets their specific priorities.