Glynn Tillman1, Ted Cottrell2, Phillip M. Roberts3, Ashot Khrimian2, and Jeffrey Aldrich2. (1) USDA, ARS, P.O. Box 748, Tifton, GA 31793, (2) USDA-ARS, 21 Dunbar Rd, Byron, GA 31008, (3) University of Georgia, PO Box 748, 4604 Research Way, Tifton, GA 31793
This 4-year study was conducted to determine stink bug distribution and dispersal in on-farm peanut-cotton farmscapes in Georgia. Stink bugs feed and develop on peanuts early season. Stink bug adults and older nymphs later disperse into cotton at the interface of peanut and cotton fields when susceptible bolls are present on cotton.
Stink bug traps baited with the southern green stink bug pheromone can capture some of these stink bugs when they are dispersing from peanuts into cotton.