National Cotton Council of America
Beltwide Cotton Conferences
January 8-11, 2008
Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center
Nashville, Tennessee
The Cotton Foundation

Recorded Presentations

Delta Ballroom D (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
4:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Delta Ballroom D (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Delta Ballroom D (Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center)
Friday, January 11, 2008
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Performance of PhytoGen Varieties in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic in 2007

Philip H. Jost, Herbert Miller, and Bobby Haygood. Dow AgroSciences, 9337 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Large-plot replicated trials were conducted across the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states during 2007 to evaluate the performance of PhytoGen cotton varieties.  Eighteen trials were conducted in GA, AL, FL, SC, and NC under both irrigated and dryland conditions. 


In these trials, the yields and fiber quality of PHY 370 WR, PHY375WRF, PHY 480 WR, PHY 470 WR and PHY 485 WRF were compared to competitive varieties.  Data collected in the trials included early-season vigor ratings, final stand counts, node of first fruiting branch, date of first flower, total fruiting branches, total number of nodes, plant height, lint yields and HVI-determined fiber quality.  To further clarify the maturity classification of the PhytoGenvarieties the date of first flower was documented in-season and Nodes Above Cracked Boll were determined prior to defoliation.  Trials were scouted on a regular basis for all insect pests, and insecticide applications for heliothine insects were made when thresholds were met in the Bollgard containing competitor varieties, per local University recommendations.  Plots were harvested with commercial equipment and weights were determined with load cell equipped boll buggies.  Randomly collected grab samples of the harvested seed cotton were ginned for percent lint determinations.  Ginned lint was submitted to the Texas Tech International Textile Center for HVI analyses.


The PhytoGen cottonseed varieties PHY 370 WR, PHY375WRF, PHY 480 WR, PHY 470 WR and PHY 485 WRF showed very good vigor, high yield potential and very good fiber quality in larger blocks in multiple environments.  PhytoGen cottonseed varieties expressing the WideStrike trait will again be available throughout the cotton belt in 2008