Susan Scott, Scott Monfort, Terry Kirkpatrick, and Amy Carroll. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, 2001 Highway 70 East, Box 357, Lonoke, AR 72086
The efficacy of available nematicide and insecticide treatment options were evaluated in a commercial cotton field in Lonoke County, Arkansas with history of root-knot nematode problems. Treatments consisted of 1.) Avicta Complete Pack; 2.) Aeris; 3.) 5 lb Temik and an In-Furrow Fungicide; 4.) 3gal Telone, 3.5 lb Temik, and an In-Furrow Fungicide; 5.) Cruiser and an In-Furrow Fungicide. The treatments were replicated four times. Treatment evaluations will be based on stand counts, preseason nematode counts, stand counts, root damage, early season thrips, and yield.