Joel F Mahill, Chibwe Chungu, Timothy Anderson, Glenn Terrell, and David M. Anderson. Phytogen Seed Company, LLC, P. O. Box 787, 850 Plymouth Avenue, Corcoran, CA 93212
Phytogen Seed Company, LLC is introducing a new Acala variety in 2008, PHY755 WRF Acala. PHY755 WRF was developed in the Company’s San Joaquin Valley Acala cotton breeding program and has shown excellent yield potential and high fiber quality over multiple location/years of testing. PHY755 WRF is a WideStrike®/ Round-up Ready® Flex Acala conversion most resembling PHY72 Acala in performance and adaptation. PHY755 WRF is the first Acala variety available to growers offering WideStrike® insect protection stacked with Round-up Ready® Flex herbicide tolerance in the PHY72 Acala background. Studies have shown PHY755 WRF to offer exceptional fiber length and, like its recurrent parent counterpart, it is well-suited to roller ginning. This variety reflects Phytogen’s ongoing commitment to provide growers with advanced technologies carried in high yielding varieties delivering outstanding spinning performance.