Curtis Wilde1, Jeff Johnson2, and Michael Farmer1. (1) Texas Tech University, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409, (2) Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Route 3, Box 213AA, Lubbock, TX 79403
As the demand for bioenergy increases, all agricultural products are being studied to determine their feasibility for use in producing bioenergy. One of the most important factors in the feasibility of the use of any product for bioenergy production is that crop’s availability. Gin trash has been shown to have potential as a boiler or combustion unit fuel, useful in electricity production; additionally, it has also shown to have potential use in ethanol production. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the availability of cotton gin trash in 30 counties located on the Texas High Plains (THP). In these 30 counties, 994,736 short tons of average yearly cotton gin trash were produced. Ten counties were responsible for 55.67% of the cotton gin trash production in this 30 county area.