Rajan K. Vempati, ChK Group, Inc., 2045 Belgium Drive, Plano, TX 75025, Gajanan S. Bhat, University of Tennessee, 1321 White Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37996-2200, and Richard W. Wagner, Phycotransgenics, LLC, P.O. Box 7196, Bloomington, IN 47407.
Nanometer (nm) is defined as a billionth of a meter and for comparison the light wavelength is measured in this unit. Nanomaterials are defined as particles having <100 nm. This presentation will focus on nanophase Mn(VII) oxide (NM7O) and nanophase Mn(III) oxide (NM3O) coated onto nonwoven fabrics. The research shows that NM7O destroys Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and selected Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs). Other applications are silver polish, algaecide and deodorizer resulting in applications, such as, sportswear, undergarments, diapers, hospital blankets, etc. The NM3O is a good copper and brass polisher. Further, Smart Fabrics can be developed as NM7O and NM3O are violet and green colored respectively, and have distinct visible band spectra.
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