Harold Reetz, Foundation for Agronomic Research, 107 S. State Street, Suite 300, Monticello, IL 61856-1968 and Clifford Snyder, Potash & Phosphate Institute, P.O. Drawer 2440, Conway, AR 72033.
This poster will feature the upcoming InfoAg Midsouth Conference, February 7-8, 2007, at Starkville, MS. Key program features, along with highlights of the 2005 conference in Tunica, MS, will be included. The poster will discuss the value of the conference in sharing information and networking about precision farming technology, along with data management and interpretation, auto-guidance, and other computer and satellite applications in production agriculture. The focus will be on the cropping systems of the Midsouth---cotton, rice, soybeans. Emphasis of will be on cotton production applications. The poster (and the conference) will also include the NRCS-CIG project we have underway in Arkansas on Fertilizer Best Management Practices for Cotton.