Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 1:45 PM

Impacts of Decreasing Cottonseed to Lint Ratio on Cottonseed Markets

Donna M. Mitchell1, Jeff Johnson2, and Curtis Wilde1. (1) Texas Tech University, 15th street and Boston, PO Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409, (2) Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Route 3, Box 213AA, Lubbock, TX 79403

New varieties of cotton are producing high-yielding and high-fiber quality characteristics, and lower seed production. With the increased usage of cottonseed in areas other than oil mills, and feedstocks, cottonseed is becoming more important especially with an influx of dairies moving into the West Texas region. This study looks at the impact of decreased cottonseed per pound of lint on the cottonseed market. The study also looks at whether the seed turnout percentages of new varieties have an effect on cottonseed supply trends.

Recorded presentation