Thomas Barber, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, 117 Dorman Hall box 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762 and a. M. Stewart, LSU AgCenter, Dean Lee Research Station, 8105 Tom Bowman Drive, Alexandria, LA 71302.
Stance is a new product registered as a growth regulator in Cotton. Rates of growth regulators can vary depending on the product applied, cotton growth stage, current environmental conditions and cotton health. Stance has been labeled with a smaller rate range than any currently labeled growth regulator products. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Stance as a growth regulator, compare Stance to other growth regulators currently available and to determine the rate structure in which Stance should be applied. Multiple rates of Stance, Mepex and Pentia were applied in single and multiple applications to determine and compare effectiveness of each. Stance was applied alone in a separate trial in a rate range to determine effectiveness of lower rates and yield effects with higher rates. Preliminary results conclude that although the Stance label does not allow a wide rate range, it can be applied effectively in multiple applications to reduce cotton height and is comparable to other growth regulator products currently on the market. However there is still a question around the rate structure of Stance. Further research is needed to help determine appropriate rates for different cotton growth stages and environmental conditions.