T.J. Kring1, G.M. Lorenz2, and Adam Siitonen Chappell1. (1) University of Arkansas, Agri 321 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, (2) Cooperative Extension Service University of Arkansas, P.O. Box 391, Little Rock, AR 72203
Arkansas now employs estimates of aphid predators when making insecticide treatment decisions. Crop consultants are directed to scout aphid densities using their standard methods, and use a beat pan (preferred) or drop cloth to estimate lady beetle larval and adult densities. When sufficient predator densities are recorded, the treatment decision is delayed one week, typically allowing predators to reduce aphid densities below treatment threshold. This aphid treatment decision rule has resulted in elimination of one aphid application in every field where properly implemented. This new technique holds excellent promise in early season aphid management beltwide, but requires validation in other states prior to adoption.
Poster (.pdf format, 96.0 kb)