R. R. Dobbs1, Normie Buehring2, Steve P. Nichols3, and Mark P. Harrison2. (1) North Mississippi Research and Extension Center, P.O. Box 1690, Verona, MS 38879, (2) Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 456, 5421 Highway 145S, Verona, MS 38879, (3) Delta Research and Extension Center, P.O. Box 197, Stoneville, MS 38776
A study was conducted at Stoneville and Verona in 2003-2005 to determine if ‘PM 1218BG/RR', a cultivar whose micronaire values are in the discount range and ‘DP 451 B/RR', a cultivar whose micronaire values are generally in the non-discount range, could be grown together to produce high yields and avoid high micronaire discounts. The two productive cultivars were grown alone, in an alternate row configuration, and seed blend ratio weights (weighed and mixed by hand) of 1:1 (50% PM 1218BG/RR + 50% DP 451B/RR) and 3:1 (75% PM 1218BG/RR + 25% DP 451B/RR and 75% DP 451B/RR + 25% PM 1218BG/RR). The results showed no differences between locations. There were only minor fiber quality differences between treatments and years; however, none were in the lint price discount range. PM 1218BG/RR alone, DP451B/RR alone and all blend treatments showed no differences in gross returns. However, PM 1218BG/RR alone and in blends with DP451B/RR had higher gin turnout than DP 451B/RR alone. Conversely, DP 451B/RR alone and in blends with PM 1218BG/RR showed higher fiber length than PM 1218BG/RR alone.