Jennifer L. Riggs, Charles T. Graham, and Maria Onofrietti. Bayer CropScience, 2 TW Alexander, Rtp, NC 27709
A new cottonseed treatment from Bayer CropScience, AERIS, offers a broad spectrum of insect control. Both field and laboratory greenhouse studies support the excellent insecticidal power and activity of AERIS. The use of AERIS on cottonseed offers a combination of two compounds within distinct families of insecticides; AERIS combines the proven strength of imidacloprid with the added strength of thiodicarb. AERIS protects cotton seedlings against injury caused by early season insects, therefore increasing seedling health and potency. At the end of the season the benefits of AERIS are reaped in a yield advantage. The benefit observed in seedling vigor supports the data that AERIS has not demonstrated any germination inhibition in the laboratory or phytotoxicity in the field. AERIS provides a safe means to apply a combination of insecticides that offer the best protection early in the season for cotton seedlings which results in an advantage yield.
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