D. Ames Herbert1, Jack Bacheler2, Sean Malone1, and Dan Mott2. (1) Virginia Tech, Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 6321 Holland Road, Suffolk, VA 23437, (2) North Carolina State University, Box 7613, Raleigh,, NC 27695
Cotton thrips control options have been evaluated in field experiments in Virginia and North Carolina for several years. Experiments included several in-furrow and seed applied insecticides with and without additional seeding stage foliar insecticide applications. This talk presents broad-brush overviews of these results developed for extension audiences. In addition, highlights of 2006 experiments of special interest are presented including effects of nozzle type used for foliar application on thrips injury to plants, numbers of adult and immature thrips and lint yield, effects of seed cool germ on insecticide efficacy, and comparison of in-furrow and seed applied insecticides in single seed and hilldrop planting patterns.
Poster (.ppt format, 9700.0 kb)
Recorded presentation