Jarrod R. Jones, Andrew J. Price, Randy L. Raper, and Ted S. Kornecki. USDA-ARS, 411 S. Donahue Drive, Auburn, AL 36832
An integral component of conservation-tillage systems in cotton is the use of a high-residue winter cover crop; however, managing such cover crops is a challenge. Black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.), rye (Secale cereale L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) winter cover crops were established in early November at the E.V. Smith Research and Extension Center located near Shorter, AL in the fall of 2003, 2004, and 2005. Additionally, wheat was established in early November 2004 at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center near Bella Mina, AL and at a grower's field near Robertsdale, AL. In mid-April in all years each cover was flattened with a straight-blade mechanical roller-crimper alone or followed by three rates of glyphosate (0.75, 0.38, 0.19 lb ae/ac). Additionally, glyphosate alone at each rate and a non-treated check were included to complete the factorial treatment arrangement. Cotton was then established after within-row sub-soiling at E.V. Smith and no-till at Tennessee Valley in four row (40 in. spacing) plots while in the grower's field, eight row plots established no-till were utilized.
Poster (.pdf format, 190.0 kb)