Royce Schulte, Arysta Life Science North America, 5715 F.M. 809, Wildorado, TX 79098
Cotton defoliants are important products utilized by producers to ensure a timely harvest thus avoiding late season delays that can have a negative impact on yield. Lint quality can be adversely affected by using improper rates and/or defoliant products that cause unnecessary leaf desiccation that is then impacted into the lint during the ginning process. As new products and formulations are developed it is important to evaluate the overall response on crop characteristics. The overall objective of this research project was to compare various commercially available products in both small replicated plots and large commercially grown strip trials. Replicated small plots compared the effects of standard harvest aid treatments Prep/Ginstar, Finish (ethepon plus cyclanilide)/Ginstar versus Adios/ethepon based product. Percent defoliation, percent open boll,and percent desiccation were measured at 5 DAA, 10 DAA, and 15 DAA. Included in presentation are over twenty (20) evaluations conducted by professional consultants in the Tri-State Delta that compared the effects of Adios/ethephon based product compared to their standard harvest aid recommendations