J. D. Everitt, J. W. Keeling, and M. A. Batla. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects simulated drift rates of 2,4-D and dicamba applied at several growth stages on cotton growth and yield, and to correlate cotton injury levels and effects on cotton lint yield and fiber quality to aid management decisions. Studies were initiated at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Halfway, TX in 2005 and repeated in 2006. Applications of 2,4-D and dicamba were made at four growth stages including: cotyledon to 2 leaf, 4 to 5 leaf, pinhead square, and first bloom. Rates of 2,4-D included: 0.25 (1/2X), 0.125 (1/4X), 0.063 (1/8X), 0.025 (1/20X), 0.0025 (1/200X), and 0.00025 lbs ai/A (1/2000X). Dicamba rates included: 0.125 (1/2X), 0.063 (1/4X), 0.032 (1/8X), 0.0125 (1/20X), 0.00125 (1/200X), and 0.00013 lbs ai/A (1/2000X). Visual injury was recorded at 14 days after treatments (14 DAT), and cotton was harvested and ginned to determine yield and lint quality.
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