Gayle H. Davidonis, USDA-ARS, USDA-ARS-Southern Regional Research Center, 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70124 and William R. Meredith, USDA-ARS Crop Genetics & Production Research Unit, P.O. Box 314, Stoneville, MS 38776.
Mean maturity, fineness and perimeter along with the maturity distribution are important parameters to condsider during processing and for end product quality. Maturity can be expressed in terms of Maturity Ratio, cell wall thickness or the degree of fiber circularity (theta).Maturity distribution can be expressed as the percent of fibers with a theta less than 0.25(immature) and the percent of fibers with a theta at or greater than 0.70 (mature). The 2005 National Cotton Variety Trial varieties from four locations were analyzed using AFIS.At each location varieties were matched for Maturity Ratio, fineness and perimeter.The percentages of immature fiber and mature fiber were compared.Across some varieties the percentages of immature fiber were similar while the percentages of mature fiber differed. In other varieties the percentages were similar for both immature fiber and mature fiber. In addition to using the AFIS immature fiber measurement including a measurement of mature fibers will give breeders an insight into maturity distributions.