Leonard Kuykendall1, Ralph R. Beauchamp1, Dennis Delaney1, Charles Mitchell2, and C. Dale Monks2. (1) ACES, 2226 Hwy 14 W, Autaugaville, AL 36003, (2) Auburn University, 202 Funchess Hall, Auburn, AL 36849
A soil quality survey was conducted during 2000 to evaluate soil organic matter levels in cotton fields in central Alabama. The results indicated very low organic matter levels, high occurrence of soil compaction, and low use of cover crops. As a result of this survey, additional on-farm studies were conducted during 2004 and 2005 for a total of 4 site years. It is known that cover crops can improve organic matter through increased rainfall infiltration and internal drainage. The objectives of the on-farm trials were to evaluate the effect of winter cover crops on stand establishment and cotton lint yield the following season in central Alabama.
Poster (.doc format, 25.0 kb)