Axel Drieling, Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. / Lab of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, Am Biologischen Garten 2, Bremen, 28359, Germany and James L. Knowlton, USDA, AMS, Cotton Program, 3275 Appling Rd., Memphis, TN 38133.
The ICAC Task Force on Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC) was created for achieving reliable instrument test results for the global cotton trade. A central topic is a dependable evaluation of the capability of cotton testing facilities to produce reliable test results for micronaire, strength, length, uniformity and color. The output of the developed Round Trial is a single, aggregated rating number as well as detailed information regarding accuracy and precision to improve laboratory performance. The results of the Pilot Round Trial with 46 participating laboratories are presented.
Poster (.pdf format, 97.0 kb)Poster (.ppt format, 261.0 kb)
Recorded presentation