Mike Patterson1, W. Robert Goodman1, Dale Monks1, and Wilson H. Faircloth2. (1) Auburn University, 108 Extension Hall, Auburn, AL 36849, (2) USDA-NPRL, P.O. Box 509, Dawson, GA 39842
Conventional (non-transgenic), Roundup Ready, and Liberty-Link cotton varieties were grown in tilled and reduced till culture and evaluated for overall weed control, yield potential, and economic benefit for each system. Trials were conducted at two locations in Alabama (Belle Mina and Headland) in 2005 and 2006. Data presented will include late-season weed control ratings, cotton yield and quality, and economic analysis for each variety/tillage system. Weed management was maintained for optimum cotton production in each system. Fibermax 966, Fibermax 960 RR, and Fibermax 966 LL varieties were used in order to minimize diferences due to agronomic characteristics.
Poster (.ppt format, 1725.0 kb)Recorded presentation