Jeff W. Barnes, John Deere, 9123 Lakeview Cove, Olive Branch, MS 38654
John Deere has recently developed the PRO 12 VRS picking unit that is capable of picking cotton planted in configurations ranging from 15" to 40". Under limited initial release in 2004, ~1500 acres were planted and harvested in a solid 15" configuration. 2005 was the first year of full release and more than 16,000 acres of 15" cotton has been planted in the United States. John Deere is continuing to evaluate different row configurations to determine if these configurations hold the same benefits as 15" cotton and will be a viable production system. Experiments were conducted at the Memphis Agricenter in 2005 to evaluate cotton planted in traditional 38" beds, solid 15" beds, and in a modified 15" skip-row configuration. The modified 15" skip-row consisted of two rows planted on top of beds spaced 38" apart. Cotton on the beds was 15" apart while cotton between beds was 23" apart. Each of these row spacings were evaluated in a small-scale experiment comparing different varieties and in a separate experiment comparing different plant populations. A third large scale experiment compared just the different row spacings planted to one cotton variety (Delta Pine 444). Differences in crop growth and maturity were noted throughout the year between the different row spacing. One aspect of 15" cotton that appeals to many producers is the ability to achieve canopy faster thus limiting the number of trips across the field. Canopy was achieved three to four weeks earlier when cotton was planted to solid 15" cotton compared to 38" cotton. Cotton planted in the 15" and the modified skip-row pattern were 5 to 8 days earlier maturing than traditional 38" cotton. The modified skip-row 15" cotton also canopied earlier than 38" cotton (approximately 3 weeks earlier). Yields of the different trials will also be presented.
Recorded presentation
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See more of New Developments From Industry
See more of The Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6 2006