Cotton Disease Council - Student Paper Competition (Cont'd) and Afternoon Technical Session

Thursday, January 9, 2020: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
211-212 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
4:15 PM
4:30 PM
The Impact of Soybean Cyst Nematode on Soybean Physiological Parameters: Nitrogen Fixation Activity, Root and Leaf Growth
Rufus J Akinrinlola, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Heather Kelly, University of Tennessee; Avat Shekoofa, University of Tennessee; Thomas Sinclair, Crop Science Department, North Carolina State University
5:00 PM
Efficacy and Yield Protection from Developmental Fungicides Compared for the Control of Target Spot in Cotton.
Austin K Hagan, Auburn University; Katherine Burch, Auburn University; H. Brad Miller, Brewton Agricultural Research Unit
5:15 PM
Reaction of Cotton Cultivars and Breeding Lines to Target Spot in Alabama
Austin K Hagan, Auburn University; Katherine Burch, Auburn University; H. Brad Miller, Brewton Agricultural Research Unit; Don Moore, Prattville Agricultural Research Unit
See more of: Cotton Disease Council