RNAi PHYA1 Event in Crosses with Upland Elite Lines

Wednesday, January 6, 2016: 2:00 PM
Preservation Hall Studios 7 & 8 (New Orleans Marriott)
Johnie N Jenkins , USDA-ARS
Jack C McCarty , USDA-ARS
Sukumar Saha , ARS
Martin J Wubben , USDA-ARS
Dewayne D Deng , USDA-ARS
Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov , Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
RNAi PHYA1 events 1-7-6 and 31-10-25 in Coker 312 background were crossed with 10 elite U. S. upland lines and Parents and F1 plants were grown in a regulated field test in 2015.  128 plants of event 1-7-6 and 64 plants of event 31-10-25 were grown in the greenhouse in winter of 2014 and genotyped using primers derived from within the event and crossed with upland lines Coker 312, DP 90, SG747, PSC355, ST474, FM966, UA222, TAM-B-182-33, MD51ne, MD90ne.  All event plants in greenhouse tested positive for the RNAi insert.  Event 1-7-6 has been found to contain three copies of the insert and 31-10-25 has two copies of the insert.  The 10 parental lines and corresponding F1 plants were grown in the field in 2015 and backcross 1 to elite line was made.  In addition both events and the 10 elite lines were planted in replicated plots.  Agronomic, fruiting, flowering, and harvest data were collected on all lines in the field.    Genetic and breeding results will be discussed.