Variability within a Commerce Silt Loam Soil on Reniform Nematode and Nematicide Treatment

Wednesday, January 7, 2015: 9:00 AM
Salon K (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Charles Overstreet , LSU AgCenter
Edward C. McGawley , LSU AgCenter
Deborah M. Xavier , LSU AgCenter
Manjula T. Kularathna , LSU AgCenter
Dennis R Burns , LSU AgCenter
Bobby Haygood , Dow AgroSciences
This paper will present some data from a two year study looking at the impact of variable soil texture and Telone application within  a commerce silt loam soil infested with reniform nematode at different population levels. In 2013, the fumigant was significantly better than the control in five of six soil zones designated by apparent electrical conductivity(ECa). There was no advantage in using Telone when the ECa values were high even though very high levels of reniform nematode were present. Additional data will be presented from 2014.