Within Plant Variability of Cotton Fiber Quality

Tuesday, January 6, 2015: 8:45 AM
Salon D (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Addissu G. Ayele , Texas Tech University
Eric F Hequet , Texas Tech University
Brendan Kelly , Texas Tech University
In order to investigate the impact of varietal background on within–plant variability of cotton fiber quality, we selected 12 commercial cotton cultivars representing a wide range of genetic backgrounds. The cultivars were grown in a randomized complete block design with 3 field replications at Lubbock, Texas during 2012 and 2013 growing seasons. The plants were box picked at maturity in order to examine within plant variability. Bolls harvested from different positions on the plants were ginned with a small tabletop roller gin to minimize fiber damage. Then, the lint from each fruiting position was blended with a laboratory blender to lower the within sample variability. Each sample was then tested on the AFIS with 3 replications of 3,000 fibers. The results from the two consecutive year’s trials indicate that certain varieties demonstrate more within-plant stability in fiber qualities.