Wednesday, 4 January 2006 - 4:50 PM

HA175 - A New Short Season, ELS type Hybrid Cotton For the San Joaquin Valley, CA

Barry Younkin and Meir Gadisman. Hazera Seeds Inc., 314 Hidalgo pl, Davis, CA 95616


Hazera Seeds Inc. introduced HA175 hybrid cotton to the SJV in 2004. HA175 is an F1 hybrid cotton variety from a cross of Hirsutum and Barbadense inbread lines. HA175 was especially selected for the northern areas of SJV for its earliness, high yield, and superior fiber properties. It provides opportunities for farmers to grow high quality ELS cotton in areas that are currently not accessible for other cotton verities. HA175 earliness also offers growers an option for when late planting or double cropping is present. Reasonable seed quantities are available for the 2006 season.

General Characteristics

HA175 is a very short season picker type variety. It is a large and wide plant type, especially on fertile soils. Leaves are semi smooth, and fruiting branches are wide spread with several lateral bolls each. Flowers are Pima type with creamier yellow color. Boll shape is similar to Pima, but slightly larger with 3, 4, and 5 locks, and fully open when ready for picking. Seed size is medium with 4100 seeds per pound.

The most distinctive traits of HA175 are: earliness, vigor, early bloom, wide adaptability, high yield, and ELS type fiber. The most profound trait of is its earliness and determinant growth. HA175 initiates the first fruiting branch on the 3-4 node which gives it 5-7 days early initiation of bloom in comparison to Pima or Acala varieties. Excessive vegetative growth is possible with HA175, but it is effectively controlled with mapiquat chloride. HA175 is widely adaptable to various ground and weather conditions.

Yield and Quality Performance

HA175 has been tested in variety performance and irrigation trials in SJV since 1999. It was tested by the UC Extension Service in the performance testing program.

The fiber of HA175 approaches Pima quality with a 1.35 length, 46 staple, 35.5 gr/tx strength, 3.9 mic, and 84 uniformity index. It is ginned by roller ginning, and has 32.5% gin turnout.

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

See more of New Developments from Industry - Varieties
See more of New Developments From Industry

See more of The Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6 2006