Friday, 6 January 2006 - 8:15 AM

Update on Power Roll Gin Stand research

Russell Laird, PRT Marketing, LLC, P.O. Box 821935, Fort Worth, TX 76182

I am not sure yet at this point exactly what the presentation will cover. Since ginning season is just beginning in most parts of the country our research efforts have yet to be executed for this year. Two possible areas of focus could be as follows:

1. Turnout and Fiber Quality Results for a Power Roll conversion on a Lummus 158 gin stand - Since data has already been presented regarding the benefits of the Power Roll on a Continental brand gin stand the industry will be interested to hear the results regarding benefits of this technology on other models of gin stands. Testing is scheduled for the week of October 3rd at Coastal Plains Gin in Mathis, TX.

2. Fiber Quality Improvements with the Power Roll Gin Stand - Fred Couch at Rabbit Ridge Gin in Lepanto, AR has collected very good data over the last two years comparing his staple length to the state average and to gins near him. It has been consistently better since he started running the Power Roll. Neighboring gins have been willing to share it with him and irregardless, producers who gin at both places can get it. Fred recently indicated that he expects that to be especially important this year as he expects their area to have a lot of short staple since it has been fairly dry. He expects that gins around him will be getting more short staple than he will and producers will really notice when they get some big discounts from 33's at other gins but not with Rabbit Ridge.

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

See more of Cotton Ginning Conference - Friday Morn
See more of Cotton Ginning Conference

See more of The Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6 2006